Quilts for Kids

Quilts for Kids has many requests for quilts throughout the year. We are currently making quilts that range from 36 ‘square to quilts 40 “by 55 “.   Following is a list of the agencies we are supporting:

Albion Healthy Baby Days:  This is a free health fair especially designed for all expectant parents, and families with babies up to one year old who live in the greater Albion area.  The event is held annually in September. They request that we provide them with 200 quilts each year to be given to families that attend their event.  

New Beginning’s is a ministry of two churches, one in Marshall and one in Albion.  They prepare layette gift packages of many new born related products and these include a quilt or layette blanket that we donate. These are given to moms who deliver at Oaklawn hospital.  They distribute about 50 each year. 

Community Unlimited:  This is a relatively new non-profit in the Athens/Union City/Tekonsha areas to help families find the resources they need to meet their everyday needs.  One of the services is providing a “Welcome Baby Basket” to all newborns.  The anticipated need is 75 newborn quilts each for the three areas.  

We have requests from other agencies that we are not able to meet at this time.  The need is real and when our production increases we will be able to help more children.  


352 Quilts were Donated in 2024!!

THE UPCOMING WORKDAYS are on Fridays: TBA March, April, May, June

NOTE:  All workdays will be held at the Woodland Church, 15510 A Drive North, Marshall, from 9:30 to 3:00.   Keep sewing tops and quilts for our kids.  Finished quilts can be dropped off at Quilts at the Marshall House. Watch the newsletter for information about work days once they are scheduled. 

I hope we can all continue working together this coming year to help the children in our communities have a warm quilt to cuddle with and make them feel safe.  This is a win - win situation.  You get to make a quilt (a project we all love) and provide comfort to a child in need (another win).  Over 250 quilts have been distributed already this year!

What is a work day?  We gather at Woodland Church to complete quilt tops that have been donated, into finished quilts.  We press tops and backing, sandwich quilts for those who sew them together, tie the quilts and finally labels get stitched on, making them ready for donating to the agencies who distribute them.  If you can iron, help with sandwiching quilts and pinning them together, if you can sew and have a machine to bring with you or if you want to help tie quilts or sew on labels please help us!

We do collect a donation to give to the church for the use of the room.  Please bring some food to share for noon potluck lunch.  We will have coffee and hot water for tea available.

If you have questions, please contact Sharon Hills (269-781-8686) or Bonnie Kazmar (269-967-4305).  We hope to see you there!